Dear government: Nobody Likes you.


  Things have been getting pretty messy in Washington as of late, you’ve got the health care crisis, the shutdown and impending 2014 congress and senate races. With all the bad publicity thrown around people are starting to get fed up, in the most recent polls, the presidents approval rating has hit an all time low at 40% and congress’s approval rating can’t even break in the double digits as they sit at just 9%. 

           While Approval ratings don’t tell the whole story in the government, i think it’s important as a legacy. Take George W. Bush for example, who got a spike up to the 90’s after the 9/11 but finished at a low point of 25% when it was all said and done. His Second term had an average of just 37%.  Too say that didn’t affect the republican party in future elections would be foolish. 

          Every President has peaks and valleys and President Obama is no different. Senior Advisor David Plouffe d recently in an interview to time magazine that he beileves the president will come out of the low period soon “It’s not just health care. The shutdown affected everybody’s confidence in government. But let’s fast-forward to the State of the Union and the months after that: healthcare working better, a lot of people signing up, the economy continuing to strengthen, hopefully no Washington shutdowns. I think the president’s numbers will recover. I think people’s confidence will recover” 

         I personally think it’s too early, Far too early to write the book on Obama’s second term, What do you think?